Our nursery is a family owned and operated nursery on Oahu. We have a selection of `ulu and avocado varieties. Buy Now...
Avocado - Persea americana
We are the licensed producer of 'GEM' avocado cultivar in hawaii. We work with farmers to help lead agricultural development and entrepreneurship initiatives to build a more prosperous sustainable world without hunger
About GEM: GEM is a commercial black-skinned fruit variety from the lamb ranch in California. The average fruit weight is 7-11 oz. and the harvest season is roughly that of Hass. The tree has an open and spreading growth. Perhaps the best character of gem is that the fruit, when cut in half, has a much slower oxidation rate (the flesh stays greener longer) than does Hass. The tree has less alternate bearing than does Hass.
'Ulu (breadfruit) - Artocarpus altilis -
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We supply 2 varieties Ma'afala (factsheet)and Otea (factsheet), they produce fruit in about 3 years, and will fruit 3-4 months of the year. The fruit has a soft, tender texture when cooked and is delicious in all types of breadfruit recipes. It also contains good levels of protein and other important nutrients.
- What do I do once I receive the trees?
The most common cause of death for breadfruit plants is drying out. Carefully remove the trays from the box when you receive them and inspect the plants. If some plugs have been shaken out of the tray and have exposed roots, soak these plugs in water for 10 minutes. If they are dry, submerge the entire plant. Once they absorb water and become hydrated, carefully put them back into the tray and follow the watering instructions below. Water the trees from the bottom by setting them in a few inches of clean standing water to make sure the soil and root zones are completely soaked (15–20 minutes). Do not set them on soil or grass to avoid contamination with local pathogens, especaily slugs but allow them to drain on a table or on several layers of newspaper.
Keep the plants out of direct sunlight. They have been grown under 50 percent shade and spent 2–3 days in a box; direct sun will burn the leaves. Make sure that they will be protected from direct sunlight at all times during the day, keeping in mind that the sun moves and what appears as shade in the morning can be hot sun in the afternoon. Pot the trees in 1–2 gallon (3–5 liter) pots/bags using a Miracle Grow Potting Soil that can easily be purchased at Home Depot or Lowe's.
The plants need to be maintained in a nursery setting for 3–5 months until they are ready to be planted in the ground by being large enough to withstand elements. The plants should be kept in 50–75 percent shade for the first 3–4 weeks. After 3–4 weeks, the roots should have grown to the edge of the planting container and the tree can tolerate increased sunlight, they can be transitioned into more direct sunlight but the plants will benefit from a minimum of 30 percent shade for the next 3–5 months. There is no need to remove side shoots or cut the plants back in any way. However, if some leaves are damaged and dead, the leaf stem can be cut off with a knife, but be careful not to damage the trunk. Plants that are damaged and broken off will likely regrow from the base and should not be planted deeper than they were in the tray. - How much water do the trees need?
Prior to planting the trees in the ground (while it is still in a pot/bag) the tree should be watered in the early morning and checked again in mid-afternoon to ensure the soil has not dried out. If during the afternoon check, the soil is completely dry, water the plants again in the late afternoon. If the plant is not wilting and does not appear to be suffering from water stress, wait to water it until the following morning. Best watering practice suggests that the plants should not have wet leaves from manual irrigation during the night because this can promote the growth of disease organisms. Most breadfruit mortality is due to young plants drying out. Plants should be visibly inspected daily. It’s much easier to see and correct potential problems if you’re looking at the plants regularly than to have larger problems surprise the grower when they are difficult to correct. Almost all problems start slowly and on a few plants. Vigilant growers are always more successful and suffer far fewer losses than those who simply glance at the plants every day. The best groves will come from well-tended young plants that are carefully grown in their youth by an attentive grower.
Breadfruit requires regular and thorough watering. Optimal annual rainfall/irrigation is 59–118 inches (1,500–3,000 mm), but supplemental water may be necessary, especially in the first few years after planting if the dry season is especially long or the plants show symptoms of stress such as lower-leaf drop or scorching of the outer margins of the leaves.
Michael Thomas
Gary Yoshimoto